
  • Você tem idade pra isso?

    Primeiro, sua trilha sonora pra sua leitura ficar emocionante: Eu tentei por um tempo entender as expectativas da sociedade em relação a nossa idade e como está nossa vida, mas desisti por simplesmente não fazer o menor sentido. Eu entendo que cientificamente existe um ciclo para todos os seres. Mas sendo seres racionais com emoções…

  • Have you ever felt different?

    When I realized I’d been making untypical decisions my entire life since I was just a kid, I started to put more effort into not comparing myself with the majority of people around the same age as me, and accepting that my journey was going to be harder than what I thought it could be.…

  • Shot in the dark

    Living abroad is a shot in the dark, you never know what’s going to happen, but at the same time you need to make plans.  You take the risk of the unknown, sometimes it is exciting, sometimes it makes you overthinking and feel nervous. You have to be ready for wherever is going to happen, but…